ABN Cleanroom Technology configures and constructs VIX-cleanroom facility for Wilting Components BV

Eindhoven – ABN Cleanroom Technology, leader in providing productized cleanroom solutions, is excited to announce a new 650m² cleanroom project in the Netherlands for Wilting Components BV. Wilting is located in Eindhoven and specialises in the production of high-value precision industry components and serves several European OEM companies that are active in high-tech industries such as the semiconductor, aviation & aerospace, medical systems and automotive sectors. Also, Wilting is known for it’s 3D Metal printing facility, where parts for (clean) high-tech systems, aerospace, and the food processing industries are made.

Frank de Beijer (Wilting), Geert Ketelaars (Wilting) & Jo Nelissen (ABN Cleanroom Technology)

Increasing manufacturability demand

Wilting has been active in the semiconductor industry for more than thirty-five years. Their main activity is the production of high-quality components, assemblies and composite parts. Due to increasing manufacturability demand from a number of significant customers, Wilting is currently building a completely new main building in Veldhoven. ABN Cleanroom Technology will provide more than 600m² of VIX-cleanroom space in this building, enabling Wilting to take its production capacity to an even higher level to meet the pressing market demand.

Another customer in High-Tech region Eindhoven for ABN Cleanroom Technology

ABN Cleanroom Technology is providing yet another customer in the vibrant High-Tech region in and around Eindhoven with a cleanroom equipped with their patented VIX concept. More than 50% energy savings are achieved by combining several energy-saving methods and systems. Adaptive AI-controlled active extraction ventilation controlled and regulated by a continuous particle counting approach to achieve optimal air distribution with minimum energy consumption. This is made possible by using a digital twin of the cleanroom where all parameters can be analysed, tested and implemented. Moreover, there is a very high shell density with adaptive fresh air injection based on continuous measurements of air conditions for cleanroom users combined with extremely low system pressures. Furthermore, fossil-free generation of cooling and heating by inverter-controlled heat pumps ensure future-proof sustainability.

ABN Cleanroom Technology has a history of providing innovative cleanroom solutions to fulfil its customer needs. To address growing demand for quick and efficient cleanroom solutions, they strategically moved away from the conventional cleanroom approach and initiated the development and engineering of standardized building blocks, reducing risks and time consumption. With their productised cleanrooms they provide solutions for small and large-sized world-leading organisations in the field of life sciences, health care, biotechnology, high-tech, manufacturing and food processing. 

“As the demand for quick and efficient cleanroom solutions escalated, we initiated the development and engineering of standardized building blocks. This strategic move allowed us to move away from conventional cleanroom approaches and mitigate the potential risk of failure associated with starting every project from scratch. Instead, we harnessed the advantage of configuring our building blocks to create high-quality cleanrooms tailored to our customers’ needs.” Says Jo Nelissen of ABN Cleanroom Technology.

1. Off-site production, on-site assembling

Legolisation means standardisation. Standardisation causes a shift in production. Work is carried out in conditioned spaces such as factory halls. our cleanrooms are manufactured partly or entirely off-site, which means huge savings on transport costs and reduction of inconvenience on-site