VIX: Energy savings and innovation, now fiscally attractive through the EIA

Fantastic news for our customers in the Netherlands: our innovative and energy-efficient VIX concept has been officially recognised under the Dutch Energy Investment Allowance (EIA)! This means that companies choosing VIX not only contribute to a more sustainable world but can also benefit from attractive tax advantages.

Monitoring pre-engineered cleanroom solutions: ISO and GMP standards

Monitoring refers to the automated recording of parameters and the issuance of alarms and error messages. Significant differences exist in the implementation of monitoring systems, depending on the cleanroom classifications and standards. At ABN Cleanroom Technology, we offer two types of monitoring package for our pre-engineered cleanroom solutions: CleanConnect for environments according to ISO14644 and GMPConnect for environments according to GMP standards.

ADAPTUS – The first Product Platform Architecture in cleanroom design

The cleanroom industry, encompassing sectors such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and semiconductor manufacturing, stands to gain significantly from adopting a product platform approach. This strategy emphasizes developing a competitive set of modular products and services that are easy to integrate, meet future regulatory, market and societal needs, and exceed customer expectations. ABN Cleanroom Technology is the first company to introduce a product platform strategy in cleanroom design.

[dutch] Persartikel – ABN Cleanroom Technology ontvangt 460.000 € innovatiesteun voor baanbrekend cleanroom concept

Door de totale integratie van verschillende kernactiviteiten in één bedrijf, bekleedt ABN een unieke positie op de Europese cleanroommarkt met oplossingen die volledig productgeörienteerd zijn. De toekenning van 460.000 € innovatiesteun vanuit VLAIO zorgt er nu voor dat ze hun cleanroomexpertise kunnen uitbreiden door de integratie van slimme luchtstromen om de performantie van cleanrooms te verhogen en het energieverbruik te verlagen.

1. Off-site production, on-site assembling

Legolisation means standardisation. Standardisation causes a shift in production. Work is carried out in conditioned spaces such as factory halls. our cleanrooms are manufactured partly or entirely off-site, which means huge savings on transport costs and reduction of inconvenience on-site